Bill White Farms had the privilege of providing a charity dinner to raise funds for Summit Land Conservancy's effort to save the Osguthorpe farm on Old Ranch Road in Park City, Utah last Saturday on Dec. 9th, 2017. We donated the staff, food, and space to host around 50 guests of SML in hopes of raising around $200,000 for their critical, nonprofit project.
Our head chef personally prepared the menu, and over 80% of the food on the menu was grown right here on the farm! During the event, Bill White talked about the importance of preserving not only open space but our agricultural history as well. Our agricultural heritage is what provided the food for both the miners and their pack animals, like the mules that went with the miners deep into the mines. Losing our agricultural history would be losing a huge part of our untold story in Park City, and we are grateful to partner with SML to preserve our unique heritage for generations to come.
Here are a few photos from the event:
Bill White stands next to the Farms' Christmas tree.
Bill White Farms at night.
The main entrée: buffalo tenderloin with lobster
Our delicious dessert!
Our strawberry turnip appetizer.
The dinner table arrangement.
The Summit Land Conservancy benefit dinner.
Bill White stands with Cheryl Fox (Executive Director of Summit Lands Conservancy)