The honey from the bees is being harvested! Check out these cool pictures below with the step-by-step process on how the honey is extracted from the honeycomb. Thank you, bees! Since our buzzing friends need food over the winter, much of the honeycomb/honey is left untouched inside the beehive. Frames of honey filled comb is removed from the hive.

The top wax "capping" is cut away.

The frames are placed in the "extractor" and the honey spun out of the combs.

The frames are placed in the "extractor" and the honey spun out of the combs.

The honey is coarse filtered to remove wax.

Honey is bottled.

Honey is bottled.

Empty honey comb is returned to the hive to be refilled!

Honey is turned over to Rodney the wonder dog to oversee distribution at the Bill White farm.
